Complete this quick guide to become your company's Catalyst Ace!
This admin certification path is guaranteed to give you a great foundational understanding of Catalyst! There are 10 videos, ranging between 1-5 minutes in length. Each post includes both supporting links as well as the full transcript of the video for easy reference. You can use this post as a way to navigate through, or…
Support articles: Integrating Salesforce Mixpanel Segment Transcript: Before building out any processes or visualizations in Catalyst, you need to integrate your data sources. All foundational data from accounts, contacts, and opportunities will be brought in from SFDC. A crucial part of standing up Catalyst is combining…
Transcript: Welcome to Catalyst! Our customers come with a wide range of needs; but at the root of it all, the key requirement is the need to capture context-rich information as structured and digestible data that can be easily consumed by the rest of the business. Through integrations with Salesforce, Data Warehouses, and…
Transcript: Before diving into the trainings, we want to take a quick pause to orient you to the platform. For most Catalyst users, the clicks and workflows become second nature, but we also understand any new platform requires some getting used to! As we highlighted, Catalyst ultimately acts as a rich data source for your…
Support article: Integrating Salesforce Data Warehouse Credentials CSV via GCS Connector or S3 bucket Mapping Data Warehouse Tables & Fields Success Metrics Transcript: Before building out any processes or visualizations in Catalyst, you need to integrate your data sources. All foundational data from accounts, contacts,…
Links: Journey Builder Workbook Journey Builder Support Article Transcript: To kick off our journey builder training, it's important to highlight that this is one of 3 key configurations that are fundamental to every customer success organization: Journey Builder, Playbooks, and Health. Over the next three videos, we’ll…
Support articles: Playbook overview Transcript: Once the journey has been configured, effectively driving automation through playbooks is the next piece to building out your Catalyst foundation. Playbooks serve as the automation engine for any workflow in Catalyst. You can create a playbook for objects brought in from…
Links: Weighted Health Score Workbook Support article for health Transcript: The third and final piece of our Catalyst foundation is configuring a live health score that takes several inputs for an account and outputs a score that can help anyone in the business understand, at a high level, whether a customer is Health,…
Support article links: Creating new fields in object configuration Playbook overview Note templates Flexible layouts Transcript: Once your 3 components of your Catalyst foundations are configured, the next most important step to think about is actually operationalizing the day to day workflows. The next few trainings will…
Support articles: Note templates Flexible layouts Embedded modules Field modules Segment modules Transcript: Customer facing teams are typically beholden to their calendar, with both internal and external meetings consuming most of their work day. A big part of adding efficiency into a CS professional’s day is speeding up…
Support Articles: Zendesk Jira Slack Transcript: For Catalyst to serve as a single source of truth for your CS team and as well as bring CS to the Center of your organization by sharing insights, we offer additional integrations across ticketing and workflow platforms such as Zendesk, Jira, and Slack. We’ve included the…
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